Gabriel Calzada Alvarez is the founder and president of the Instituto Juan de Mariana, a libertarian think tank based in Spain. He has been an Associate Professor of Economics at King Juan Carlos University in Spain since 2004 and Vice-Director of the scholarly Procesos de Mercado. He has been a Rowley Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and is also a Fellow at the Centre for the New Europe.
He frequently appears on television broadcasts and has written for publications including Libertad Digital, the Spanish Herald, Expanses, Mises Daily, The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Procesos de Mercados, La Ilustracion Liberal, and Canarias Liberal.
He is author of a controversial study titled “Study of the effects on employment of public aid to renewable energy sources” which made a number of disputed claims regarding green energy and job growth.
Currently, he is the Dean at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala.